Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 26 Montana Chronicle

Garry and Carol arrived from NC on Sunday, George and Deb from Smith Mountain on Tuesday. We hunted Tuesday at same place as Sunday, but didn't do as well - short run on a viewed coyote.

Hunted Thursday near Dillon with the Treasure State Hunt at the headwaters of the Big Hole River. Our hounds worked hard but no fresh game. The fields were riddled with holes and two horses went down, no serious injuries; but Garry's horse got tangled up in wire and went down, stepped on Garry and sent him to the hospital... badly bruised and scraped up. He is ok but he and Carol have headed on back to NC.

"Maverick and the Bear": Saturday, George, Deb, Lloyd, Fred and Elaine went hunting back up at Sweetwater Creek. We found a big black bear and ran it for 2 hours. The hounds fought it down the creek and Maverick got bit on the butt. All horses (especially Smoke), hounds and people were exhausted, except Maverick, who wants some more.

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